"South Gate, It's being fixed now, but I will always remember the older version as well"I have realized something. Everytime I go out in Seoul and visit somewhere nice, I always think to myself. "Hm...this place seems nice. But I wish Jenny were here so I can be in this cute little place with her."
As you may all know, Seoul is a pretty amazing place. Granted it is not as big as New York or LA but it has some crazy culture mixture that you cannot experience anywhere else.
So, I decided to make a list of things or places to go in Seoul when Jenny comes here. So I won't forget and always come back to this list in case we can't think of any places to go for dinner. You know it happens to all of us and this list is going to help me~ hehe
This is the first list and there will be more later. I tried to write down as many as I can remember but there are some missing and there are some I will be visiting in the future. So Jenny baby, expect updates. I hope this will make you feel more familiar with Seoul when you come here to snuggle next to your hubby everyday.
Ok here it goes!
"SangAm World Cup Soccer Stadium"
The first one is the soccer stadium. I decided to write this one first because I just went there last night and wanted to write about it with a fresh memory.
As everyone in the world knows already, Koreans are crazy about soccer. Last night was the A-match before the World Cup. It was Korea vs. U.A.E. We kicked U.A.E.'s ass by 4 to 1.
"Beer! Also, you can put soju in it to make SoMac!"
"and munch on these!"The whole atmosphere where everyone is cheering for the same team. The endless beer and Soju. Yes! They sell Soju in the stadium! What can get better?
"I know this is how you eat your wings! Don't even try to lie!"I want to take Jenny. We will be wearing our supporting team's uniforms. We will drink beer and eat chicken wings (although right now, Jenny is banned from Chicken wings) and cheer for our team! It's going to be awesome! We will get a good buzz by the end of the game and we will go to a bar next to the stadium. There is a lot. A LOT! and drink more with the fellow supporters!
It's going to be fun! Oh, soccer is not really your forte? Ok then, I will get to the good stuff. But you will want to come here at least once. It is a great place to see. Looks like an old Korean house.
"Once in a Blue Moon"
Yes, baby. It's a jazz bar. A live jazz bar probably most famous for weekly featuring of world famous jazz bands. When I first came to Korea, I was sad because all the blues and jazz I loved would be lost in the memories and I will be stuck with the kroean love songs and k-pop idols.
"The interior looked like old Chicago style. Kinda like Houstons Chicago"
But to my dismay, I found this place! I was skeptical at first but when I saw the performance of the stage singer who (gracefully took world on a string to a next level) sang the heck out of Louis and Bing, I knew I was at the right place. She even took requests! I went there late so I couldn't request my favorite songs but it was amazing. I went there with my bro and my cousin. They seemed bored tho. It was a definitely a place for us.
"It wasn't her but I bet she is really good too~"
I really want to go to this place with you. Spend my music with you. I want to whisper how much I love you while fever or blue moon plays in the back ground. I want to sweet talk you into loving me more. I want to confess my love for you..
"I love you baby booooo~!"
Oh yeah and they are one of the rare places in Korea where they have the real full bar. They make pretty good martinis although they couldn't make DK's special drink...
"I like this glass! This should be the glass for our home bar."
So that was the Jazz Bar that I am in love with. Once we are together, we will go there for concerts and stuff. I can't wait! hehe The next one is more Korean and I know you have been here before. It's....포장마차!
"두둥~ 포장마차가 나타났다!"
Ok, 포장마차에 대해서는 한글로 쓸께. 이것은 어떻게 영어로 표현하기가 참 힘들다. ㅎㅎ
애기야랑은 가끔 수서역에 있는 실내 포장마차를 갔었는데, 내가 말하고 싶은데는 그 드라마에나 나올것 같은 그런 포장마차를 말하는거야. 사진 처럼 저런데에서 앞에 앉어서 소주와 안주들을 먹을수 있는...
"I know you like to eat weird street food"
걸어가다가 길에서 포장마차와 마주칠때 아니면 드라마에서 볼때마다 너와 저길 같이 가고 싶다는 생각을 했어. 괜시리 내가 뭐 힘든일이 있는 척하구 소주를 마시고 있으면 울 애기야가 옆에 와서 앉어서 나를 위로해 주는...^^ 생각만 해도 너무 영화 같지 않아?
"아줌마 여기 꼬막에 닭똥집 추가요~!"
요즘은 또 포장마차가 요리가 참 다양해지구 맛있어 져서 울 애기야랑 같이 가서 추운날 맛있는거 호호 불어먹고 싶다. 글구 같이 술먹구 둘이 헤롱헤롱해서 길을 걸어가면 얼마나 행복할까? 내가 꼬옥 껴안아 줄꺼야~ 우리 죽을때 까지 연예하자~ 응? 애기야~
"나랑 같이 있어만 준다면, 이걸 다 사줄수 있다구!!~! ㅋㅋ"
그럼 포장마차는 커버했구, 이젠 또 뭐가 있을까나? 적어놓은건 많은데, 너무 비슷하면 안되니까 좀 섞어서 소개를 해 주어야겠다. 이제 다시 영어루 쓸꺼니까 그전에 한마디만 할께. 사랑해~ 자갸~
Chang Sin Dong Toy District!
"Toys Toys Toys~!!!!" See, you and I, we all love toys! And there is a toy district in Korea! I heard it's pretty good! Remember when I told you I want to buy a new bbgun? I was going to go here because I heard you could have a really nice one for cheap! They have the best selection here!
And I know you are an expert in toys and you are going to be the leading leader in toy industry soon so it will be a good education for both of us. Also, they sell every kind of Gundam. omg omg~ hehe
If you take me and Hyun Chul hyung here, this is how we will look. Seriously.
"Thank you Jenny~!" Haha, I wish I had better pics of the places but I couldn't take long enough time to find them since I am at work. he
I have about 20 more in my list right now but after all these pics, the blog is getting overloaded.
I will separate this posts in parts and update them. Next post will be more to our personal taste.
Just wait and see baby! I love you!
-to be continued!-
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